Monday, November 10, 2008

I've been tagged!!!

1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blog
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagged peeps know once your entry is UP.

Random #1:

I'll start with this post... I am the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet! I was tagged from Annie about 3 weeks ago. I wait for the last minute on everything I do. I don't do it on purpose and I have tried to stop (for my kids sake, I don't want them to take on my horrible habits lol). But there is no use, so get used to it.:)

Random # 2:

You'll never catch me without a piece of gum in my mouth. And not just any gum it has to be peppermint. My favorite kind is stride sweet peppermint. If I don't have gum I get a stomach ache, or I just think I do? I know I'm a freak!!

Random #3:

I have to take a shower twice a day, I can't get ready in the morning without one, and I can't go to bed at night feeling dirty. I know.... Sorry I'm not doing my part on conserving water.

Random #4:

I love milk. But I can't drink a glass of milk without eating something with it, and it has to be ice cold.
Random #5:
I don't like fruits and veggies, it's a texture thing. My personal trainer is surprised I have lost as much weight as I have without eating them. But, I have been trying. I can gag down an orange, grapefruit, and carrots. I think I need to be hypnotized to get over this. lol- Random #6:
I love to sing I sing to everything and anything. Whenever someone says something I sing a song to whatever they say ex. If they're talking about an umbrella I'll start singing..."under my umbrella" or if you say stop I would sing... "stop in the name of love". If you ever go camping with us be prepared you feel like your in pre-school.

I'm tagging whoever wants to play!!


Just us said...

Okay CLOSE your eyes and listen to me carefully..... ready??? IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD!!!!!! Luv ya! (hope that worked!)

~*LoVe Of My LiFe*~ said...

I feel ya on the shower thing! I do the same, Its weird cuz I have 2 have milk ice cold 2... like sometimes I even put ice cubes in it lol... Stride is my fav gum 2 :)
I like peppermint & spearmint.
you should mix fruits & veggies in a blender and make it into a drink. Just add lost of ice to water it down if u have to. Just an idea :)